Hamburger Abendblatt New Years Party, video stage design, Hamburg Messe
International Tourism Convention party, slide installation, Hotel Andels, Berlin
Errors of the Human Body, slide installation for film shoot, Nero Club, Dresden
slide installations for various events, BundesMinisterium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie, Berlin
slide installation, Kiki Blofeld Bootshaus Club, Berlin
ems 10 Jahre Jubileumsfeier, slide and video installation, Waschhaus, Potsdam
talk about D.O.G. competition,exhibition,game, at Pecha Kucha, Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin
Panorama video installation, Otto Grimm Autohaus, Bitterfeld
Trenntmoebel exhibition, 360 degree video installation, Berlinische Galerie
Hamburger Abendblatt New Years Party, video installation, Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg
Club TransMediale, slide installation, WMF club, Berlin
SPD Berlinale reception, slide installation, Willy Brandt Haus, Berlin
slide installations for various events, BundesMinisterium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie, Berlin
SPD Party Conference stage design, Station, Berlin
SO-Owe Exhibition launch, facade projections, Ritter Butzke, Berlin
Megaphon Prize Award Ceremony, Jahrbuch der Werbung, VJ mix, Postbahnhof, Berlin
deGUT Gruender Champions Prize Giving, slide installation, Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie, Berlin
Statisten des Skandals, video for theater piece, Schauspielhaus, Kiel,
taz Kongress, Facade projections, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
LaptopsRus, VJ tournament, Caceres, Spain
Ritual, Cross-media performance, Speyer, Germany
Vattenfall image video >Hamburger Stroemungen< Sofitel, Hamburg
Telekom client event, slide installation, Umspannwerk, Berlin
XEN.ON Party, video & slide installation, FX Center, Babelsberg
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe reception, slide & video installation, Umspannwerk, Berlin
Future Room, 3 channel video installation for 60 Years Hamburger Abendblatt Exhibition
Mirror swirl, light sculpture, Dom Aquaree, Berlin
60 Years Hamburger Abendblatt, slide & Video installation, Alte Jacht Club, Hamburg
Vorwaerts Fest, slide & Video installation, Kesselhaus, Berlin
slide & Video installation for Beiersdorf in-house event, Goya, Berlin
production for dig insight films, link to dig
Trip to Asia Film Premiere party, Berlin Philharmonic
Berlin City Lights, Video for Deutsche Post event, e-werk, Berlin