To commemorate the laying of the foundation stone of the exclusive LUX apartments at Neustätische Kirchplatz, I produced a video entitled Es werde LUX, which also featured in the Festival of Lights rounds.
Tag der offenen Türen, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft & Technologie, 18-19 August
Once a year, all of Berlin's Federal Ministries open their doors to the public for the weekend. It's a fascinating chance to see the insides of some extraordinary buildings, what goes on behind the scenes, and where the tax-payers' money goes! I made a contribution to the festivities with a slide installation visualizing the history of the Ministers of Economics and Technology.
10 Jahre Otto Grimm Jubileumsfeier
5 screen Video installation, Otto Grimm Autohaus, Bitterfeld, 22.11.2011
I created a 5 channel video installation for the Otto Grimm car sales terminal in Bitterfeld, preparing bespoke animations based on the facade of the building and 10 years of archive material. Also coordinating various live show elements and speaches into the projections, which utilized the entire window surface as a super-wide format screen, and served as a back drop for a fine sit-down dinner for 200 guests, having fun letting virtual cars chase each other around the space!
Trenntmoebel Ausstellung at Berlinische Galerie, 22.09.11 -10.10.11
360 degree Video Installation
Separate your garbage in style! In the future, there will be no such thing as garbage, only recyclable material.
As part of the BSR Trenntstadt campaign, selected designers were given the briefing to find a solution for affordable household garbage separation combined with innovative and fun design. The competition winners will be exhibited at the Berlinische Galerie, supported by a video installation by yours truly. Plastic here, paper, bio... more>>link to Trenntstadt
D.O.G. talk at Pecha Kucha Festsaal Kreuzberg, 14.09.11
Inspired by the universal truth that dogs and their owners always resemble one another, Sandra Siewert from s-wert design and I initiated a competition and exhibition for sets of 3 pictures: a dog, the dog owner and a matching object or accessory. The 20 winners were published in the form of a memory card game the D.O.G. game - available for sale and hilarity for all the family!
Errors of the Human Body Slide installation for film shoot
Nero Club, Dresden, 13.03.2011
ERRORS OF THE HUMAN BODY is a psychological thriller set in the scientific world of the Max Planck Institute, Dresden, directed by Australian Filmmaker Eron Sheean.
I created good old fashioned slide installations for a party scene with 100 extras in fancy dress. Analogue projections look great on camera.
Hamburger Abendblatt New Year's Reception
Video stage design and installation, Messehalle, Hamburg, 07.01.2011
I created a FOREST of VISIONS for the Hamburger Abendblatt, kicking off 2011 with political fun and games and a celebration of Hamburg's title as European Green Capital 2011 more>>