Vive La Vision,
Schloss Karlsruhe, 1998 & 1999
The Schloss Karlsruhe played host to 2
open air party events, where the 30 meter long facade of the building
was used as a projection surface. Vive
la Vision was an event celebrating the 250th anniversary of
the Badische revolution, which marked the first edition of the German
constitution. Thematically, the projections dealt with issues of human
rights and quoted a range of revolutionaries throughout history.
The geographical situation of Schloss Karlsruhe afforded ideal conditions
for observing the total eclipse of the sun in 1999.
l'eclipse was a party for the large crowd
of eclipse-watchers who had gathered in front of the castle. The projections
were composed from astronomical diagrams and played with ideas of
inversion and alignment inspired by this extraordinary phenomenon. |